Starting Fee/Minimums Payment (per unit):            Price:
Quick Support
PC Diagnostics 400,00
Mobile/Tablet/SmartTV Support 500,00
Unit Prices (per unit):  
Backup Creation
Backup Restoration 450,00
Malware Scanning/Removal 1000,00
PC Reinstallation/Reset incl. updates 900,00
PC Deployment incl. Software Package
Transport and Handling
Unit Prices (per GB):  
Data Recovery 50,00
Data Destruction
Unit Prices (per hour):  
Remote Support (via Internet/Phone)
Onsite Support (-25% for pickup) 625,00
Device Drop-off
Business Support (B2B)
Consulting Services

All prices include 25% VAT and are listen in Danish Kroner (DKK).

Terms of Payment

  • Any support request lasting less than 15 minutes will be billed as Quick Support.
  • PC Diagnostics and Mobile/Tablet/SmartTV Support includes up to 30 minutes of support and is billed as a minimum payment for support requests lasting longer than 15 minutes.
  • Any Onsite Support request lasting longer than 30 minutes will be billed per started hour.
  • Any Remote Support requests lasting longer than 30 minutes will be billed per started 0.25 hours for private customers and per started 0.5 hours for business customers.
  • 10 independent email support requests will be billed as one Quick Support session.
  • All phone support and consulting calls lasting longer than 15 minutes will be billed as Consulting Services. No Starting Fee applies to these calls.
  • All business support requests, including but not limited to server setup, network installations, cloud services, license management, and company-specific support, will be billed as Business Support.
  • PC Deployment includes drivers and our current software package (a detailed list is available upon request).
  • Software not included in our current software package is billed as Consulting Services per 10 units, when installed during PC Deployment.
  • Transport and Handling covers transport, administration, and costs for phone, electricity, and internet usage. Additional fees may apply for special cases, including but not limited to, taxi service and extended travel distances.
  • Backup media and software licenses are not included in support or service prices and will be billed separately based on current market prices.
  • Support outside normal business hours is only provided in emergency cases and only by prior agreement. The hourly rate will be billed as Consulting Services per started hour.
  • For larger or long-term tasks, please contact us for a custom quote.
  • Ved større og længerevarende opgaver, kontakt os for et tilbud.
  • A 7-calendar-day warranty is provided on completed support from the invoice date, provided the issue is caused by factors within our control and not due to external causes such as software updates, virus attacks, or user-related errors. Complaints must be submitted in writing via email to ensure proper handling.
  • Invoices will be sent electronically after the support task is completed, with a detailed summary of the provided services.
  • An invoice is considered received when it is electronically sent to the email address provided by the customer.

Payment Terms

  • Raven Computers reserves the right to adjust prices and terms without notice.
  • Confirmed orders and written agreements will not be affected by changes and will remain binding under the originally agreed prices and terms.
  • Payment must be made exclusively via bank transfer to Arbejdernes Landsbank, Reg: 5326 Konto: 0352118
  • MobilePay is not accepted, and payment terms cannot be changed under any circumstances without prior written agreement.
  • Business Customers (B2B) have an 8-day payment deadline, and Private Customers have 14-day payment deadline.
  • Payment deadlines are calculated from the invoice date, unless otherwise specified in a prior written agreement.
  • Payment plans can only be arranged by prior written agreement, allowing the invoice to be divided into a maximum of three monthly payments.

Debt Collection and Legal Handling

  • If there is a dispute regarding a completed service and the customer refuses to pay an issued invoice, the matter will be referred to legal debt collection at The Civil Court after two reminder notices.
  • The debt collection process follows applicable Danish legislation and is managed in cooperation with Collectia, Denmark's largest debt collection agency, which handles unpaid invoices after the third reminder notice.